Friday, January 13, 2012

A Clash of Kings Summary, random chapter


 Catelyn was visiting Renly Baratheon to speak for her son who was king of the north.Renly and his brother Stannis were currently fighting over which one deserves the throne their third brother left behind. Catelyn went to try and get them to join together with her son to fight the common enemy. Both Renly and Stannis thought they were the rightful heir to the throne. Catelyn had them meet together to try and come to terms. Neither of them would bend the knee to the other brother. Then they started taunting each other. Renly had at least ten times the swordsmen that Stannis had...but was still confident he could beat Renly. They agreed to fight at dawn and both vowed to kill the other. Right before dawn, Catelyn was watching one of the knights help Renly into his armor. Catelyn watched his shadow on the side of the tent and noticed his shadow unsheathed his sword when it was still sheathed in his belt. That instant, the shadow thrust his sword forward. Renly's throat burst open and spurted blood all over the knight. Sorcery, Catelyn knew that it was the only way a shadow can kill a physical being. The other knights of Renly's guard thought the knight dressing Renly killed him, and started to attack her. Catelyn and the knight fled from the tent and walked off into the wood where her guard waited. 


 I really liked this scene because of the sudden twist to the entire Game of Thrones series.This chapter was written in chronological order to show the order of events leading up to the climax. I think the author's intent for providing such a surprising plot twist was to develop the story in a way that is unpredictable. At first,  I thought that Stannis and Renly would join together to form a massive army to demolish the Lannisters (the hated house). But now that Renly has been killed, who was the more likable brother, Stannis will control the entire army that Renly controlled and dominate the realm. So now I can never predict the outcome of the rest of the story and cannot wait to finish this book, and the others afterwards. 

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